Tolcon has been involved in the development, implementation and maintenance of 10 Incident Management Systems in various parts of the country since 1997.
Incident Management is defined as ‘the pre-planned and co-ordinated response to incidents with the aim to restoring normal road capacity and safety levels as quickly as possible’. A RIMS consists of all relevant role players that collectively undertake the planning, coordination and management of incidents. Role players include primary emergency services (EMRS; Fire Services; SAPS; Traffic etc.) who respond to incidents, together with secondary and ancillary organisations.
Currently, Tolcon participates in and / or manages seven different systems which cover in excess of 1 200 km. In these areas it has been found that having a RIMS in place results in a reduction in incident duration which leads to improved safety and reduced delays. This in turn translates into a reduction in road user costs, as well as economic costs of the country. Tolcon has the capability to assess, establish guidelines, develop policies and procedures, and implement communication channels with all stakeholders aiding in the implementation of road incident management systems.